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History & Mission

Audubon of Kansas (AOK) is an independent grassroots nonprofit organization that promotes appreciation and stewardship of natural ecosystems in Kansas and the central Great Plains, with special emphasis on conservation of prairies, birds, other wildlife, and their habitat. It is neither funded nor administered by the National Audubon Society.

AOK is made up of members and supporters from all across the state of Kansas and beyond. AOK is governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of conservation leaders, farmers and ranchers, and others who share a common interest in implementing AOK's mission and goals. AOK works throughout Kansas, Nebraska, and the central Great Plains, and both its members and Trustees come from numerous states across the region. 

Although AOK is not affiliated with the National Audubon Society, it works in partnership with local Audubon chapters and many other organizations. Representatives of local Kansas chapters serve on the Board of Trustees. AOK seeks to implement its goals by working cooperatively with individuals and groups representing a wide variety of interests including landowners, businesses, communities, policy makers and other conservation organizations.

Because AOK is an independent organization, we need your support to continue fighting for conservation and speaking out when others do not. All funding is dedicated to our work in the central Great Plains and prairie states.    


The mission of Audubon of Kansas, Inc., is to promote the enjoyment, understanding, protection, and restoration of the state's natural ecosystems with a focus on birds, other wildlife, and their habitat for the benefit of humanity and the earth's biological diversity.  We seek to establish a culture of conservation and an environmental ethic in the central Great Plains.


AOK has a long track record and deep roots throughout the Great Plains.

The organization was founded in 1999 by the Audubon Council, a consortium of ten Audubon chapters in Kansas.   With chapter representatives on its board of trustees, Audubon of Kansas became the successor organization to the Audubon Council.  Ron Klataske was hired as the first Executive Director. 

In January 2021, longtime Executive Director Ron Klataske officially retired and Jackie Augustine became the new Executive Director. Her background is in academia, but she is a Kansan by marriage and research, having studied prairie-chickens and their breeding behaviors for over 15 years. She is pleased to continue the success of AOK and engage in conservation issues throughout the state.

IRS Form 990 and 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Determination Letter